Vax Fax – Webinar Series

This webinar series focuses on increasing vaccination rates for flu, pneumonia and COVID-19.

  • June 9, 2021 – Open Office Hours: See the recording | See the slides
  • May 26, 2021 – Open Office Hours: See the recording | See the slides
  • May 12, 2021 – Open Office Hours: See the recording | See the slides
  • April 28, 2021 – Improving Immunization Rates: See the recording | See the slide
Montana Immunization Information System User Role Training

This webinar provides a walk-through of the Montana Immunization Information System (imMTrax).

Wyoming Immunization Information System Training

This webinar shows how to make use of the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR) to register and track vaccination records across the state. The accompanying PowerPoint slides detail how to use different processes within the program.

  • WyIR Patient Search/Add slides
  • WyIR Vaccine Reporting Requirements slides
  • WyIR Managing Patient Ownership and Status slides
  • WyIR Patient Vaccination Records slides
  • WyIR Reports Series slides
  • WyIR Site Information, Registry and Quality Reports slides
  • WyIR Reports Series Vaccination Reports slides
State of Alaska Immunization Program Update

This webinar details vaccination efforts and resources in the state of Alaska. It covers standards for adult immunization, the VacTrAK Immunization Information System, several vaccine updates, the Docket immunization records app and the Alaska Vaccine Assessment Program.

ICAMP – Immunization Champions, Advocates & Mentors Training Program

This national webinar on the Immunization Champions, Advocates & Mentors Program (ICAMP) was presented by The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). ICAMP is intended to mobilize and assist health care professionals in their efforts to increase adult immunization rates and to reach the ultimate destination: achievement of Healthy People 2020 goals for adult immunization. ICAMP provides tools and resources that align with the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Standards for Adult Immunization Practice which includes assessing patients, making a strong recommendation, administering or referring and documenting.

Flu IQ 1

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Flu IQ 1

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Is it safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine and influenza vaccine at the same appointment?

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Vaccine Consent and Eligibility Forms

To streamline the process of gaining consent for nursing home residents to receive vaccines, the team at Mountain-Pacific Quality Health, in partnership with Pharm406,  has created a standing vaccination consent form and a corresponding vaccine eligibility form. The standing consent form allows for the resident (or legal representative) to fill out one form a year indicating which vaccine(s) will be accepted as the resident is eligible, and which will be declined.

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